Fiche méthodo n°2

Reading skills

How to improve your reading comprehension

Here are a few tips:

1. GUESS   Look at the visual clues before reading : what do they tell you about what you are about to read?

2.  Read the story, don’t focus on the words you don’t know.

3.  Activate prior knowledge (what do you already know about this subject?)

4.  Use context clues to help you infer meaning of the words you don’t understand

5.  Identify the KEY WORDS

6.  Visualize the story, what do you see (you can draw what you have understood if it will help you understand better)?

7.  Summarize all of this using a mind map 

8.  Tell someone about the story in your own words, summarize using the mind map or write a summary.  Always re-use the information you learned about in one way or another.


Click here if you need a version in French : Fiche méthodologique : comprendre un texte (conseils)

More about "mind mapping" or "How to create a mind map mindmap" :