• Œuvre, auteur : • Claudel : Cinq grandes odes (1904-1908-1910)  
  • Quiz associé(s) : • Paul Claudel : Contre les idoles  
  • Documents :
  • Texte au format PDF à imprimer

Extrait de «Magnificat», troisième des Cinq grandes odes

Explication linéaire : pdf 

Notes complémentaires : pdf

- transcription de «Magnificat» contenant beaucoup de coquilles: https://fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Magnificat_(Claudel) 
- english translation (extraits): https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/browse?contentId=26815  ; https://books.google.fr/books?id=lysIAQAAIAAJ ; presentation in english: https://books.google.fr/books?id=hfqhAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA30&lpg=PA30 
- italiano 4 premiers versets de Contre les idoles: https://books.google.fr/books?id=pZW2cd1Te-AC&pg=PA765 


Siate benedetto, mio Dio, per avermi liberato dagli idoli,
E per farmi adorare Voi solo, non Iside o Osiride,
O la giustizia, o il Progresso, o la Verità, o la Divinità, o l'Umanità, o le leggi della Natura, o l'Arte, o la Bellezza, 
E per non aver consentito l'esistenza a tutte queste cose che non sono, o al Vuoto lasciato dalla vostra assenza (...)

Blessed be God, who has delivered me from idols.
You permit me to worship you only, not Isis and Osiris, 
Not Justice, nor Progress, nor Truth, nor Divinity, nor Humanity, nor the Laws of Nature, nor Art, nor Beauty, 
And you have not allowed these things to exist, which art not, or are the Void left by your absence.
Like the savage building a canoe, then making Apollo from the plank left over, So all these men of words, from their surplus of adjectives, have made themselves monsters without substance, 
Hollower than Moloch, devourers of little children, uglier and crueller than Moloch.